The recent growth in International students attending UK Higher Education Institutions has resulted in a wave of change and adaptation across the sector as teaching and support services responded to the needs of these distinct cohorts. Career Services have been at the forefront of these adaptions as many International students look for help while making their way into new careers in new labour markets. But what have those adaptions been to the core Service offers in HE and what have been the challenges to meeting these needs?

In this NICEC Seminar, Fellow Russell George will be joined by Anne Marie Graham Chief Executive UK Council for International Student Affairs, Noleen Hammond Jones, AGCAS International Task Group Co-Chair and Yash Sardal, a current International student studying at the University of Hertfordshire to discuss what International students are expecting from Career support in the UK and how Career Services have adapted to this demand.

Our guest speakers will share examples of how HEI Career services across the UK have modified their processes and practices to support International students while both a current student and key representative of student concerns will highlight the ongoing and changing needs and requirements of International students.

The session will conclude with attending colleagues sharing examples of practice and a discussion on the future of International student career support.

This session hopes to acknowledge both the successes HEI Career Services have achieved in supporting International Students but also the challenges as a raft of external pressures continue to buffet the sector. 

Outline Programme

5pm – Russell George – Introduction & Welcome

5.10pm – Anne Marie Graham, UKCISA

5.30pm – Yash Sardal

5.45pm – Break

6.00pm – Noleen Hammond Jones, AGCAS

6.20pm – Plenary and discussion

Fellows and Members – please log in and return to this page to book your free [or reduced] ticket option.

Booking Practicalities

The maximum numbers we can normally host for online sessions are 100 and therefore ticket options are limited. If the limit is reached, please email [email protected] to log your interest as there will be a waiting list.

After you book, you will receive automated confirmation. The Event will be broadcast via Zoom on the day. The Zoom link will be issued two days before the event and will be re-sent on the day at 8am and 30 minutes before the event. If it does not come through, please check your Junk email. Emails come from [email protected] so please make sure your spam filter knows to let them through. If you have any questions on the day, please email [email protected]. On the day, we will publish additional contact details for any last-minute queries.

Book tickets

Ticket Cost Quantity
NICEC Fellows and Members (Please log in) Free Members only
Non-members £25.00
Students £4.00

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National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC) is registered in England and Wales under company number 06407049 at The Lodge, Willaston House, Cheerbrook Road, Willaston, Nantwich CW5 7EN. Please click 'About NICEC' page for details of how to contact us.
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